two person standing on gray tile paving

About Us

People & culture

Our people are selected to ensure the smooth running of operations. This is to give our customers the best experience possible. We provide reliability, professionalism, industry experience, competitive rates and most important, quality finishes. 

We believe in having a fun, collaborative culture at Install. We give our team the trust and support they need to succeed, whether it is inside or outside of work. Happy team =  Happy customers.

Saarah A

office manager

Lee Carr

Director + Health & Safety Officer

Services & History

Install Solutions started as a statement against sub par work standards and rogue building companies. We wanted to set a new standard, solving our client's problems, producing quality workmanship within reasonable time frames and costs. 

The company has grown and cemented itself as the new golden standard in commercial construction. Today we continue to build on that legacy and strive for excellence in everything we do.